JussBuzz Presents a complete comprehensive list of Customer Care Numbers of Indian Telecom operators, While creating this list we tried our best to impart correct information but still if any no. is missing or we posted any wrong information then please comment here to let us know about it(Contact us section @ The bottom of this page).
Airtel 98100-12345
MTNL 98681-12345
Idea 98910-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92100-08282
Vodafone 98110-98110
Tata Docomo- 90320-12345
Videocon 121
Andaman & Nicobar
Airtel 99330-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Andhra Pradesh Airtel 98490-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98480-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92460-08282
Vodafone 98850-98850
Airtel 99540-12345
Aircel 98540-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98640-98640
Stel – 9127012345 or 1212
Airtel 99340-12345
Aircel 98520-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98350-98350
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92340-08282
Tata Docomo- 90310-12345
Stel – 9128012345 or 1212
Airtel 98980-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98240-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92270-08282
Vodafone 98250-98250
Tata Docomo- 90330-12345
Airtel 98960-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98120-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92540-08282
Vodafone 98130-98130
Tata Docomo- 90340-12345
Videocon 9068012345 and 121
Himachal Pradesh
Airtel 98160-12345
Aircel 98570-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98820-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98170-98170
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92180-08282
Tata Docomo- 90350-12345
Stel – 9129012345 or 1212
Jammu & Kashmir
Airtel 99060-12345
Aircel 98580-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Stel – 9130012345 or 1212
Airtel 98450-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92430-08282
Spice 98440-98440
Vodafone 98860-98860
Tata Docomo- 90360-12345
Uninor- 90600-90600
Airtel (1800) 98950-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98470-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92490-08282
Vodafone (BPL) 98460-98460
Tata Docomo- 90370-12345
Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh
Airtel 98930-12345
& Chattisgarh BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98260-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98270-98270
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92290-08282
Tata Docomo- 90390-12345
Maharashtra & Goa
Airtel – Rest of Maharashtra 98900-12345
Airtel – Mumbai 98920-12345
BPL – Mumbai 98210-99800
BSNL – Rest of Maharashtra 94000-24365
Idea – Mumbai 97020-12345
Idea – Rest of Maharashtra 98220-12345
MTNL – Mumbai 98690-12345
Reliance – Rest of Maharashtra 3033-3333
Reliance – Mumbai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Maharashtra 92250-08282
Tata Indicom – Mumbai 92200-08282
Tata Docomo- 90280-00121
Vodafone – Rest of Maharashtra 98230-98230
Vodafone – Mumbai 98200-98200
MTS – 9146125125 or 125125
North East
Airtel 98620-12345
Aircel 98560-98560
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98630-98630
Stel – 9131012345 or 1212
Airtel 99370-12345
Aircel 98530-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98610-98610
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92380-08282
Vodafone 97760-97760
Tata Docomo- 90400-12345
Stel – 9132012345 or 1212
Airtel 98150-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92170-08282
Spice 98140-12345
Vodafone 98880-98880
Tata Docomo- 90410-12345
Videocon 9653012345 and 121
Airtel 98290-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98870-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92140-08282
Vodafone 98280-98280
Tata Docomo- 90420-12345
Tamil Nadu
Airtel – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98940-12345
Airtel – Chennai 98400-12345
Aircel – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98420-12345
Aircel – Chennai 98410-12345
BSNL – Rest of Tamil Nadu 94000-24365
BSNL – Chennai 94000-24365
Reliance – Rest of Tamil Nadu 3033-3333
Reliance – Chennai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Tamil Nadu 92400-08282
Tata Indicom – Chennai 92400-08282
Vodafone – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98430-98430
Videocon – 121 and 90800-12345
Tata Docomo- 90430-12345
Uttar Pradesh (E)
Airtel 99350-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98890-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92350-08282
Vodafone 98390-98390
Tata Docomo- 90440-12345
Uttar Pradesh (W)
Airtel 98970-12345
& Uttarkhand BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98370-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92190-08282
Vodafone 97190-97190
Tata Docomo- 90450-12345
West Bengal
Airtel – Kolkata 98310-12345
Airtel – Rest of Bengal 99330-12345
Aircel – Kolkata 98040-12345
Aircel – Rest of Bengal 98510-12345
BSNL – Kolkata 98830-98830
BSNL – Rest of Bengal 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) – Kolkata 98830-98830
Reliance (GSM) – Rest of Bengal 98320-98320
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Kolkata 92310-08282
Tata Indicom – Rest of Bengal 92330-08282
Vodafone – Kolkata 98300-98300
Vodafone – Rest of Bengal 97320-97320
Tata Docomo- 90460-12345 ( Kolkata 90380-12345 )
Airtel 98100-12345
MTNL 98681-12345
Idea 98910-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92100-08282
Vodafone 98110-98110
Tata Docomo- 90320-12345
Videocon 121
Andaman & Nicobar
Airtel 99330-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Andhra Pradesh Airtel 98490-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98480-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92460-08282
Vodafone 98850-98850
Airtel 99540-12345
Aircel 98540-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98640-98640
Stel – 9127012345 or 1212
Airtel 99340-12345
Aircel 98520-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98350-98350
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92340-08282
Tata Docomo- 90310-12345
Stel – 9128012345 or 1212
Airtel 98980-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98240-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92270-08282
Vodafone 98250-98250
Tata Docomo- 90330-12345
Airtel 98960-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98120-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92540-08282
Vodafone 98130-98130
Tata Docomo- 90340-12345
Videocon 9068012345 and 121
Himachal Pradesh
Airtel 98160-12345
Aircel 98570-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98820-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98170-98170
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92180-08282
Tata Docomo- 90350-12345
Stel – 9129012345 or 1212
Jammu & Kashmir
Airtel 99060-12345
Aircel 98580-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Stel – 9130012345 or 1212
Airtel 98450-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92430-08282
Spice 98440-98440
Vodafone 98860-98860
Tata Docomo- 90360-12345
Uninor- 90600-90600
Airtel (1800) 98950-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98470-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92490-08282
Vodafone (BPL) 98460-98460
Tata Docomo- 90370-12345
Airtel 98930-12345
& Chattisgarh BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98260-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98270-98270
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92290-08282
Tata Docomo- 90390-12345
Maharashtra & Goa
Airtel – Rest of Maharashtra 98900-12345
Airtel – Mumbai 98920-12345
BPL – Mumbai 98210-99800
BSNL – Rest of Maharashtra 94000-24365
Idea – Mumbai 97020-12345
Idea – Rest of Maharashtra 98220-12345
MTNL – Mumbai 98690-12345
Reliance – Rest of Maharashtra 3033-3333
Reliance – Mumbai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Maharashtra 92250-08282
Tata Indicom – Mumbai 92200-08282
Tata Docomo- 90280-00121
Vodafone – Rest of Maharashtra 98230-98230
Vodafone – Mumbai 98200-98200
MTS – 9146125125 or 125125
North East
Airtel 98620-12345
Aircel 98560-98560
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98630-98630
Stel – 9131012345 or 1212
Airtel 99370-12345
Aircel 98530-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98610-98610
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92380-08282
Vodafone 97760-97760
Tata Docomo- 90400-12345
Stel – 9132012345 or 1212
Airtel 98150-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92170-08282
Spice 98140-12345
Vodafone 98880-98880
Tata Docomo- 90410-12345
Videocon 9653012345 and 121
Airtel 98290-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98870-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92140-08282
Vodafone 98280-98280
Tata Docomo- 90420-12345
Tamil Nadu
Airtel – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98940-12345
Airtel – Chennai 98400-12345
Aircel – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98420-12345
Aircel – Chennai 98410-12345
BSNL – Rest of Tamil Nadu 94000-24365
BSNL – Chennai 94000-24365
Reliance – Rest of Tamil Nadu 3033-3333
Reliance – Chennai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Tamil Nadu 92400-08282
Tata Indicom – Chennai 92400-08282
Vodafone – Rest of Tamil Nadu 98430-98430
Videocon – 121 and 90800-12345
Tata Docomo- 90430-12345
Uttar Pradesh (E)
Airtel 99350-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98890-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92350-08282
Vodafone 98390-98390
Tata Docomo- 90440-12345
Uttar Pradesh (W)
Airtel 98970-12345
& Uttarkhand BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98370-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92190-08282
Vodafone 97190-97190
Tata Docomo- 90450-12345
West Bengal
Airtel – Kolkata 98310-12345
Airtel – Rest of Bengal 99330-12345
Aircel – Kolkata 98040-12345
Aircel – Rest of Bengal 98510-12345
BSNL – Kolkata 98830-98830
BSNL – Rest of Bengal 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) – Kolkata 98830-98830
Reliance (GSM) – Rest of Bengal 98320-98320
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Kolkata 92310-08282
Tata Indicom – Rest of Bengal 92330-08282
Vodafone – Kolkata 98300-98300
Vodafone – Rest of Bengal 97320-97320
Tata Docomo- 90460-12345 ( Kolkata 90380-12345 )
- BSNL All India helpline number is 9400024365
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